Although this piece is well written and brings up valid points, it is this comment thread that illustrates a sociological phenomenon I hoped society would have evolved past by now. Obviously not, and what a great microcosmic proof of the point Katie Jgin is making here. If I had the time I would do a spread sheet to divide these comments by boys / men /girls /women to sate my curiosity about percentages. Like, does this 228 comment sample accurately represent my experience as an independent female who looked for a loving, reciprocal relationship for 40 years, failed and gave up? I’m someone who enjoys the shit out of men. I raced on sailboats for 20 years and helped build 50 stage sets on almost exclusively male crews. ‘Make this thing’ and ‘win this race’ is one thing. Emotional reciprocity, communication past narcissism, taking care of each other and being kind is something else entirely. I’d like to see if my theory that 70% of women and 30% of men are willing to work to become emotionally mature based on this comment sample is valid but dang, I have more fulfilling things to do. And to all you guys who mansplained to Katie about reality shows… did you think to glance through to see if your first reaction was an original thought? Keep trying everyone. I’ve seen relationships work for a lucky few, and oh boy do those couples work hard at it. Me? I’d rather go make something.