Mernie Buchanan

Mernie Buchanan

Best Promo Hacks

13 stories

Hand holding a phone with hashtags floating around the smartphone.
Mernie Buchanan

Mernie Buchanan

Triumphant Child Free Women

1 story

Mernie Buchanan

Mernie Buchanan

Science Fiction!

5 stories

An altered version of Henry Fuseli’s ‘The Nightmare,’ an oil painting depicting an evil demon crouched on the chest of a sleeping woman. The demon’s face has been replaced by Margaret Thatcher’s face.
Mernie Buchanan

Mernie Buchanan


1 story

Cartoon of a very long line of people in Heaven wearing white robes, wings, and halos. They are waiting their turn to look into a box with a viewing screen, like an old-fashioned nickelodeon. The side of the box says “See Your Ex-Spouse in Hell.” In the background, God tells someone, “That’s one of our most popular features by far.”
Mernie Buchanan

Mernie Buchanan


3 stories

Mernie Buchanan

Mernie Buchanan

Book Author

Friend of Medium

Seeking sunnier landscapes I left Woodstock NY for Tucson where I'll teach painting & finish a scifi novel. Images are my originals. Links at